Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The only thing consistent about the world is its inconsistency. We are all undiscovered geniuses or ignorant fools. Change is the only constant thing that has ever been. It forms the basis of our lives and is inevitable. He who rejects change is the architect of decay. Some changes we welcome with arms wide open and some of them cause tears to stream down our eyes. While we are kids, we play with everyone. Every hand offered to us is genuine and is given to play, no one to envy or to idolize. A little further a telling change awaits; we leave the safe haven of our house and enter school. The first day we are upset, we cry while entering the new place as we unwillingly let go of our mom’s hand all we want to do is to cling to her and never let go. In another one hour we acclimatize and don’t even want to leave that place as every one in the vicinity is called a friend. That’s the day when we realized that home is not the only place to be. And the people you can talk to do not always have to be so big. The first change which we accept with haste and that which turns out to be great. Leaving play school is always difficult but we kind of adjust to it as we want to grow up in a jiffy. The first step in school makes us feel big, tells us that this is the place I will spend 14 years in. Gladly we tell everyone we know, call up all the relatives and tell them that we go to a much bigger school with more students than earlier. Studying is fun, learning is interesting and every person in the class ones again is called a friend except those who eat our lunch when we bring something real tasty and gulp down tang from our bottles. The days we realize everyone is not good, some people just can’t bring their own kurkure and just have to pounce on your pack whenever you open it.

We are all geared up and our car is in full speed when we realize the road also has speed breakers called exams. And the pressure goes on increasing. Parents start scolding and you join the race where everyone wants to win. Friends become competitors, who gets more becomes the saga. Here is the introduction of jealousy and I won’t tell her how much I have covered coz she always tells me she knows nothing but still manages to get a better score than me. Emotions hold us up at all points. The way we perceive them and take decisions make us who we are today. Now we come across changes in people some of them which we can see and some internally. Our body changes, we grow inside as we fight changes outside. But things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly. Now we desire more as our needs grow from emotional to social to sexual. We want to keep pace with the growing trends and new knowledge. We grow everyday and with a blink of an eye the school ends and we are all out in the world where there are more people, more to learn and more dreams to be fulfilled. The wheel of change moves on, and those who were down go up and those who were up go down. The innocence we had kept with us goes away slowly and gradually. We look behind and all we see is people who were ones our best buddies, without whom you couldn’t even imagine your life, busy in their own lives. Competition is cut throat and here as Darwin said it is not the strongest of the species that survive, or the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. So here we are after a lot of fight we enter college, make new friends just to find that they aren’t really your friends they were the ones who spoke behind your back. You get attracted to the opposite sex and the experimental self in you wants to explore more. We term this as love without even knowing what we want. But the difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions. The person you thought you loved wasn’t the right person either. Your friend change again, they are more understanding than the earlier group and you change your opinion which you had about them before and a new bonding is formed. The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind. College ends, three years learning which more than the 14 years spend in school was. Good and bad experiences, people everything has made you wiser. But somehow you feel unhappy about the life you live now. Change has caused this conflict between mind and heart. Before you can even think of solving this conflict you have more entrances, or interviews. And the story goes on……………

We all are reluctant to allow changes in life. Everyone wants a stable and a smooth running life without a lot of ups and downs (a few are ok though). Life in its own journey, presupposes its own change and movement, and one tries to arrest them at one's eternal peril. Even if we don’t like to change but this cycle of life never ends, which also keeps me from thinking that maybe life without change be mind-numbing. The truth is that the only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. (Oh no the parliament too: P)


  1. that is as true as life itself...:)....have to acknowledge the soul of those words.....lets just hope the way u write never changes.... ;)...

  2. nyc hai purnu....!i likd it... :)i hav to lik it...!lol

  3. Great piece of writing blended with some wonderful thoughts and experiences. I just want to substantiate it by saying that change is a gradual process and some consider it as good and some as bad and due to the feeling of insecurity some even ignore it also.
