Thursday, June 24, 2010

frog in a well shaft seeing the sky

A blank page has been staring at me for some hours now.

Right now I am tempted to keep away from a lot of things and tempted to get involved in many. It would all seem very exciting and adventurous, but prudence rules and we keep away. The exuberance of youth at times gets one very close to succumbing to temptation. But as you mature it takes on a different shape. Responsibility and understanding keeps one conscious of the fact that this would not be the right thing to do. There are elders to answer to, seniors to respect. What would they say in such circumstances? We need to not just look after ourselves but indeed to look after what they need and feel. As youth we can accomplish everything, precisely because it accepts no past, obeys no future and fears no present.Selfishly at times we do not consider our responsibility, our compulsion to keep the elders involved. We ignore them and ignore many other aspects, eventually to lament later why we did not.

Exposure to the ‘complex’ world is suddenly destroying its almost utopian existence in the years gone by. My appearance may be in keeping with the temperament that a new object that infuses in me, but what does it do for those that fail to accept it and have succumbed. There are many that have given up, resigned from life, abstract, still and allowing it to take over. I would imagine they too live a life. A life they chose according to their standards. But everyone need not follow that. Life does allow one to take off on a tangent. Sometimes it brings a tangential difference. As they say respect is love in plain clothes. Musicians are artists no different from painters and poets. They document our culture, make us think, provoke us and introduce us to new ideas. And the good ones are philosophers.

Strange is it not, that this emotion should manifest itself into such strong feeling. There are times in the daily routine of our lives when we build many thoughts. Discuss and assess them. Write and rewrite them. Correct them for errors and mistakes, readjust them, Para-phrase them again and again, convinced that this is what is final and complete to go out to the rest of the world. These are but personal musings which occupy our mind and our time for a sizeable number of minutes, perhaps hours and then disappear. They were constructs of an idle mind, harmless, inconsequential and bearing nothing more than an incoherent moment in the complex structure of our brain. We need to keep our mind far away from all these vicious thoughts or they run like a Trojan horse on all out thoughts.