Sunday, January 1, 2012

bed-bite story

Like a normal Delhi girl I grew up watching Karan Johar movies and believed that one day my prince charming will come my way, and I will have a perfect job. The end simply had to be perfect of my not-so-perfect life. Till now, thankfully, I have had amazing friends. They have supported me in all my decisions.

Like a normal 22 year old, I have had a failed relationship, a zillion crushes, even stayed up all night for a message from some little infatuation which just lasted for days. I have had five or six best friends till now, from which some have hurt me while some are still in touch, and have stood by me in my ups and downs. Most of my friends think that I don’t live in the real world which is bad. People are selfish and not everybody is good. As soon as I finished my Masters, I looked forward to fin my perfect job, and then soon I would meet my guy at some coffee shop, we fall in love and get married. I would meet my friends like I do now even after marriage, and life would be perfect. But this dream of a perfect story came soon crashed, the market was bad and there were no jobs available. Still you get an interview offer, you dress up nicely. The interview went amazing. You talked about your dreams and made the interviewer laugh at times. There was no way they could reject me. I waited for the call very confidently and then after two weeks they regretfully informed me, that they selected someone else. I kept my calm but soon gave up.

At family functions, all Uncles are asking about where you career is going while I was trying to flow with the flow. Aunties are bothered about my marriage
and soon I hear ‘Rishtaas’ pouring in.

The idiot isn’t messaging back, and I waited for a long while; but he is just not interested. “Maybe he just said he liked me coz he didn’t have anyone at that moment, and now maybe, he likes someone else. Why am I bothered? I told him that I don’t like him, but he is still supposed to give me importance. Maybe he found someone else. Arrgghhh, I am so stupid. Maybe it’s all my fault. Yes it’s me. How am I supposed to
understand that he loves me when he doesn’t even have time to message?”

Things are different with your friends now. I tried to make them understand that I have some problems. Instead of supporting me and ‘being there’, they are telling me that I have lived my life all wrong. “You will lose everyone like this, you have to show more attitude,” she said. I didn’t think so, but even a slight disagreement leads to a big ego clash and I am left crying while she states all my past mistakes one by one on your face.

You have a contact-list of 550 people in this world, and you are lonely. Not one person could I call. My two-three best buddies just left me with my own problems, as they think that ‘some kind of ego’ has come into me. I question everything in my life and all of a sudden there is no one to put the blame on.


  1. Simplicity due is the Beauty of a Cheesecake... that is the way you write... like a cheesecake ! :)

  2. :)..refreshingly candid...just like you are always..:)

  3. i m a normal delhi boy but i have same feeling when i saw those bright glittering blatant display of relationship sagas in K JOHAR
    I agree pathetic market and here I left my job..lolzzz
    rishtas pouring in ....mmmm thats i think been inculcated in ur mind by our patriarchal society since u did ur
    the guy who said so......... I PITY HIM and ultra jealous of him..........simply he is ullu ka patha
    and u say u r lonely .. i dont remember a single day when i not talked about u ...
    so Ms Budhu.... cheerup and in front of ur mirror give that monalisa smile,,,,, :):):):)
    u r a blessed child of god... so feel special

  4. Honest! Listen to ur heart and not the Auntys! Keep the good work up!
