Monday, March 15, 2010

a drop of tear to share and a slice of smile to serve

I was sitting and relaxing on the couch after a tiring day. Had an interview and call letter in my hand which did not make me happy coz people kept telling me that the institute is not good. I was tired of people, tired of my parents shouting, tired of every random person asking what I wanted to do in life. Sometimes I feel that I am the only person everyone is worried about. Suddenly everyone wanted to assure that I have a good career. With a bad headache and a bad cough, this was the last thing I wanted to think about. And bam I have something new to think about. And this time again a weird thing, which bought a smile to my face and lighted up my mood yet again. It was how small things make you smile more often than big things do. The things we never notice, the things we feel is not even worth a thought and still how they are the most important things in life.

I was happy now for the fact that I wore the formals first time in my life, I was glad to have cleared the first interview I ever appeared for. Thinking so much about the career made me forget these small achievements. One day there was an a very learned old man, who has accomplished everything in life, once said to me that after a long and tired life he is finally into the breezes. I liked it when he said this, but thinking of it now I can’t think of any good reason not to be in the breezes when you are enjoying and exploring life. Life is very short and so is the world but the world is far wider to explore fully. It has a lot to give if you are just ready to take. At the end a billionaire gets buried next to street sweeper. I have nothing against working hard and earning money but think we will all end up as dust so let’s have some fun. . Too many amongst us are afraid to be ourselves, so we give up our dreams to follow the crowd. Some of us are too afraid of ourselves so we give up our dreams to follow the crowd. The biggest regret on our death beds is that we were not reflective enough. Friends all I am saying is just follow your heart and don’t think about what others say. Trust me that all the people who are successful today were laughed at, now they revert it back. Someone once said nothing fails more than success. Very true say if you go to your favorite restaurant and order your favorite dish and when you ask for ketchup the waiter says that he is busy and u can go pick it up yourself. How will you feel? The restaurant is fully stuffed with people but if they don’t have just a min for there customer’s happiness is their success worth it?

I just read about a boy who couldn’t walk as he was born without eyes, and we worry about the traffic jam being bad. Let us all do a little exercise and jott down all the things we want to do till we die, I am sure you would have even started to think about two or three only after reading this. But what happens is most of us give up so easily just because our fears are stronger than our faith. And if reach what we desire we forget the people who have helped us in this path. On this one of you will say I have them on facebook, or I ping them saying hi every 10days. Not your fault, the paradox of this world is that we get more connected electronically and not emotionally. I am sure if I tell you that you have only 30mins left, all of you will grab your phone and call the people who matter to you., some will even call the people who ones were the part of there life. So why wait for that time, why not grab a phone right away and buzz people. Thank everyone who has helped you, and also the people who will help you in future. Be happy with what you have and do that perfectly.


  1. This piece of writing is as happy as u are..
    Best of luck...

  2. nice... i enjoyed reading it...:)..

  3. Nicely articulated dear and one should be happy even if he/she has achieved a bit of success like for example if a person has prepared tea and that is for the first time with a fear that people will like it or not and if it happen to be that people liked it then it is a successful accomplishment of his tea and then he should excel in it. So their is success in every phase big or small it is the duty of the person to recognize it.

    And as far as the second part is concern it is the human tendency to forget the help, the right deeds of the person and to remember the opposite which is wrong and all this take place because this world is cynical.

    Prashant Sharma
