Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The morning hour , as the day begins, seldom indicates what lies in store for the rest of it. The peace and solace of those early hours is almost synonymous with the gentle warmth of the rising sun. That deep orange hue from the brightest element in the earth’s hemisphere, so pleasantly visible as it emerges from behind a hill or stack of high rises, then gradually, as it progresses forward, begins to burn out its size and shape and countenance, now unable to be seen through a naked eye. There is a bearing with life’s day almost, within this act. Pleasant and peaceful as it starts, and then gradually as the day progresses and all its complications overtake us, everything around us becomes unbearable. We meet people and a lot of them get you thinking on many aspects of what we observe and perceive like our existence and issues we face as a part of the society. A lot of instances connect us to each other, the history and the knowledge of the past. This leads to the understanding of complex circumstances. We leave the things we love for fear all the time, and blame it on circumstrances.
I keep wondering how we fear doing good deeds, as good is not easily acceptable and makes us feel embarrassed at times. So we stick to following the crowd and doing what every one does and involves no fun. Being a leader is a lonely job, taking a road that is less travelled. Taking responsibility of the world that loves to blame. A complex and a tiresome job, I must say. But I still suggest you to explore more opportunities for the people who look up to you, who take you as their role models. Being a leader isn’t about being right always but it surely is about making a wise decision. The tree that moves some people to tears of joy is just a green thing standing on others way. Some people define their limits and are too afraid to push them forward. But leaders are wise people and they feel defining a limit for one is undermining ones capabilities. Newspapers either tell us how our politicians are taking advantage of the money we earn or people killing their relatives and loved ones for money, I ask you is that all that is left? We do nothing about it just sit leisurely in the comfortable confines of our home and feel bad about the fact for two hours and then continue with our busy lives. We are so used to all these things that we feel it is very normal. I don’t remember the last time I read a newspaper that didn’t report gore and bloodshed.
Scrolling further down the pages of the newspaper I was amused looking at the obituary section. We all keep cribbing and crying our whole life for small things; despite of this I am yet to find an obituary that says he died peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his accountant and lawyer. They all have the same message and they all have their families mourning besides them. The irony is that when they were living this beautiful chapter called life relatives and friends didnt realize their worth, they only realize it after they are no more to experience the beauty of relationships. This is the era where all we talk about is competition and minds at work; we do not have time to dine at our favorite restaurant or watch a movie, which ones we never missed. We have forgotten when we really laughed our lungs out and danced in the rain with street kids. These things embarrass us now; we feel that laughing out loud is cheap (though we never miss out a chance to say lol while chatting with a friend online). Tell me my friends when was the last time you giggled at a joke, the last time you smelled a flower, the last time you fought that your friend did not call (this was once the most important thing in life) ? God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
As the Chinese say : the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago and the second best time is today. So let’s plant our trees today and enjoy what we have lost in our busy lives. So if you take time out of your busy schedule and want to relax and talk to a friend you can find me in cafĂ© coffee day, as you smell the aroma of coffee and hear people talk, look around and you will find me at a distant corner, reading a book and sipping my coffee with a slice of simle… :)


  1. Very deep thinking...I feel people stopped living life for themselves doing what they want, these days ppl just like following the crowd/ society! Also, newspapers/tv news just love showing the public non-peaceful, violent, negative political/economical, and death news...this is causing ppl to view our world in a negative way, not many ppl have smiles on their faces's like nobody wants to see a happy world anymore....ppl are not able to spread there smiles, since society does not allow us too! If you don't follow the crowd you are seen as an outcaste ya alien....
    There is a saying "Don't take life too seriously. You won't make it out alive!!" Just learn to smile at whatever life brings you, this way you will have longer happier life!

  2. Its a wonderful blog purnima and i must say that you have dealt with the present scenario where a common man is not content with what ever he is having and he is so busy in his own plans to get everything both materialistic and non materialistic just for one thing and that is he just want to be happy forgetting the fact that he can enjoy and be happy every second of of his life if he is happy from inside and also make others happy and stop taking part in this bloddy rat race.

    Prashant Sharma
